ყოფილ სპეცრაზმელს პოლიცია ქვეყნის მასშტაბით ეძებს - რას ამბობს უძილაურის დედა
კონფიდენციალურობა • 19/8/2012 • 9:57
Who we are
News Agencyt Newsposts - Newposts.ge was founded on August 8, 2012 and has been providing political, economic, social, cultural and other information to the public through website https://newposts.ge and its verified social media fages websites since its inception. He has already established himself among the Internet media as a trusted and resilient agency.
We are constantly monitoring and taking into account the dynamic development of events and the ordering of society, ensuring the irreversibility of the constant updating and searching process.
At present, it is a well-known and rated news agency, despite relatively little experience.
NewPost aims to provide the public with objective information in Georgian, English and Russian.
Our website address: https://newposts.ge.
What kind of personal information we store and for what purpose
If a guest leaves a comment on the site, we will collect the form data as well as the IP address and browser user-agent data to detect spam.
An anonymous string created from your email address (so-called "hash") may be transferred to the Gravatar service to determine whether you are using it. Gravatar's privacy policy is available here: https://automattic.com/privacy/. After posting a comment, your profile image will be publicly displayed in the context of your comment.
If you are a registered user and upload information or photo and video material to the site's "Your Report" category, it is advisable to avoid uploading a photo with EXIF data as they contain information about your location. Anyone can remove this information from the photo.
Contact Forms
If you leave a comment on our site, you can enable your username, email, and website address to be stored in the cookie. This is done for your convenience so that you do not have to enter the same data again when leaving another comment. These cookies are stored for one year.
If you have an account on the site and access it, we will log a temporary cookie, to find out the browser support for the cookie, the cookie does not contain any personally identifiable information and will be deleted when you close the browser.
When we sign in to a personal account, we also send some cookies to your computer, with screen settings information. The login cookie is stored for two days, with screen settings - 1 year. If you select the "Remember me" option, the login settings will be saved for two weeks. When you sign out of an account, the cookie will be deleted.
When editing or publishing an article, an extra cookie will be stored in your browser, it will not contain any personal data, but only a revised record ID and expires in 1 day.
Embedded content from other sites
Articles on this site may contain embedded content (for example video, images, articles, etc.). Content looks like the user has moved to another site.
These sites may collect data about you, use cookies, add additional tracking from third parties, and track your interaction with the content, including when you are authorized on the site and have an account.
How long we store your data
If you write a comment, then the comment and its meta data will be stored infinitely long. This is done to automatically post further comments automatically, instead of manually approving them.
For users registered on our site, we store the personal information they provide in the profile. All users can view, edit, or delete their information at any time (except for usernames). Web site administrators can also view this information and change it.
What rights do you have to personal information
If you have a personal account on the site, or if you leave a comment, you may request that we export the personal information file we have stored, including the information you provide. You may also request that such data be deleted, except for the information we are required to keep for administration purposes, by law, or for security purposes.
Where we send your information
User comments can be automatically checked by a spam detection service.
For more information contact us:
Tel: (+995 32) 243-07-70; (+995) 597-49-89-02
Address: Rustaveli Ave. 21
Email: info@newposts.ge, newposts12@gmail.com
Sincerely, Site Administration
ევროპულ-ქართული ინსტიტუტის დამფუძნებელი, მკვლევარი გიორგი მელაშვილი ამბობს, რომ აშშ-ს მიერ ინიცირებული მეგობარი აქტი "ოცნებისთვის" უარღესად მკაცრი იქნება. მისი თქმით, 21 იანვრის შემდეგ ივანიშვილის ხელ...
პოლიტიკა • 12:05
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პოლიტიკა • 12:01
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მსოფლიო • 11:59
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კრიმინალი • 11:57
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ეს საინტერესოა • 16 თებერვალი 19:58
17 თებერვლის ასტროლოგიური პროგნოზი
ეს საინტერესოა • 16 თებერვალი 13:00
რატომ იკრძალება ამერიკულ სასამართლოებში ფოტოების გადაღება
ეს საინტერესოა • 16 თებერვალი 3:30
ახალი კვლევა — დილის ყავა გულის ჯანმრთელობისთვის სასარგებლოა